Geomancy: Creating and Enhancing One's Sense of Place - Audio Recording
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Geomancy: The Art of Placement in Harmony with Natural Patterns - Expanded Booklet
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Earth Energies, Megaliths, Sacred Sites and Human Consciousness - Booklet
Earth Energies, Power Spots and Human Consciousness - Video Recording
Earth Acupuncture, Working with Nature Spirits and Transforming Place Energies - Video Recording
Totally New Approach to French Coils, Inspired by Tree Spirits - Audio Recording
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Celebrating Earth Cycles - Booklet
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The Ba Gua: The “Four Pairs” Approach - Booklet
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The Five Dynamics: A New Interpretation for Westerners of the Chinese ‘Five Elements Theory - Booklet
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The Patterns of Life - Booklet
From Resonance and Geometry to Intention and Manifestation - Video Recording
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Harmony, Beauty and Sacred Geometry - Booklet
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Awakening the Inner Temple and Creating Sacred Space: Essay on the Nature of Sacredness - Booklet
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Labyrinth Essentials - Booklet
Labyrinths: As Transformative Pathways - Video Recording
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Reading the Story of Place: A Process to Gain an Understanding of the Essential Nature of a Region - Booklet
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The Five Voices of the Land and its People: A Celtic Wisdom Wheel and Model for Living - Booklet
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Dowsing Discoveries at Megalithic Power Spots in the San Francisco Bay Area - Video Recording
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Seeing What Matters in Home and Garden: with Dowsing, Feng Shui and Geomancy - Video Recording
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Common Sense Feng Shui for Personal Growth - Video Recording
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Using Labyrinths for Humanity’s Conscious Evolution - Video Recording
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The Pre-Dawn of the Labyrinth Revival: How We Got Here: Steps that Led to Formation of The Labyrinth Society - Video Recording