Harmony, Beauty and Sacred Geometry - Booklet

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SG Beauty Bklt cover.jpg

Harmony, Beauty and Sacred Geometry - Booklet


Explores the eternal question of “what is beauty?” from the perspective of symbolic geometry, sacred architecture, and ancient Mystery Schools. Includes replacing natural proportions as an essential, yet forgotten, component of feng shui design; application of the “law of three” to create good entrances and sense of place; and application of the eight patterns of Nature to understand spatial dynamics and psychological effects of an environment on human relationships. An overview of Claude Bragdon’s brilliant application of Pythagorean “First Principles” and laws of natural beauty to architectural design. Concludes with Richard’s theories on the perception of beauty, and the states of consciousness to enter into to create beautiful forms. (from lectures at international Feng Shui conferences, 1999-2004)  28 pp.

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