Common Sense Feng Shui for Personal Growth - Video Recording

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Common Sense Feng Shui for Personal Growth - Video Recording


Let common-sense explanations of feng shui principles guide you to adapt this ancient wisdom to modern life. Richard explains how the guidelines to find the right place and arrange our living spaces emerged from observations of wind and water moving around forms in the landscape. He was the first to write about using dowsing as a feng shui tool to “see” paths of “Qi” and to remove blocks to the flow of abundance. He also developed new ways to use the Ba Gua, or Chinese cosmological “medicine wheel,” to foster personal growth. Richard will show innovative solutions to common problems of dysfunctional room layouts and awkward circulation patterns that will inspire you to apply them in your own spaces. Fall in love with your surroundings again and let your home support your goals and spiritual growth. (Video Recording from Am. Soc. of Dowsers West Coast Conference, 2010) 75 min.

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