Labyrinth Essentials - Booklet

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Labyrinth Essentials - Booklet


New Greatly Expanded Booklet“A Book of Labyrinth Essentials: for New Enthusiasts and Facilitators” — Intended to provide the most important basic information about labyrinths to those who are just discovering them and wanting to learn how to use them and share them with others. Included: How to describe labyrinths; Why there is a revival; Many ways to traverse them and simple experiments to try; Beneficial effects; How to draw an ancient 7-circuit unicursal labyrinth; Historical information on the Classic and the Chartres Cathedral labyrinths; history of the beginnings of the revival in America; A seven-fold labyrinth meditation, relating the chakras to the seven rings of an ancient labyrinth; The seven levels of initiation into labyrinth mysteries; How to lead the Appleton Partnered Group Dance; How to approach the siting and creation of labyrinths; Range of materials from which to create labyrinths. 22 pp.

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